Mary's Life

Monday, December 17, 2007


We thought we would take advantage of us all being dressed nicely and take a picture in front of the tree. It’s not the best of one. It was 9 pm and we had just gotten back from the Christmas dinner so the kids were tired and all, but hey it’s a family picture!!! We were smart and got a shot of the girls before we left for dinner.

Coast Guard Christmas Party

I got to get all dressed up!!! Brandon, the girls, and I all went to a Coast Guard Christmas dinner. It was held at the Samoset Club. They have a building with lots of huge rooms for just such a thing. It was a nice relaxing evening with well behaved children, lots of friends, and good food. The first picture you see is of Brandon and I and the next one is of Jodie, Katie, and I.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All I want for Christmas...

"I lost my toof"

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

We drove up to my Grandparents house this last weekend. We bundled up the kids and ourselves and went on our search. After about 20 minutes the kids were all inside because they were freezing in the 20 something degree windy day. Brandon, my Grandma, and myself searched a little longer and I picked this one. Mostly because the looks on the others faces said, “Hurry up or you will be cutting this down yourself!!” Once it was cut down and away from the tree it was growing next to I saw how sparse it was. I do love the top, and after wiring on a few extra branches it is done lol… At first I wasn’t to sure, but now it is growing on me. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Keeping myself busy...

I have been busy lately making Christmas decorations.

I wanted some of the Christmas tree cones I have been seeing in all the stores, but didn’t feel like paying for them. So I bought (I know funny) some glitter, silver paint, and some poster board. After many burns from hot glue and tons of glitter everywhere they were done. Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle…

I was watching Martha Stewart (I know also funny) and she had this great idea of making snow ball like ornaments. This was a lot of work, but I like how they turned out. Here is how they were done;
1. Blow up balloon.
2. Tie on string.
3. Wipe with oil.
4. Wrap string around and around.
5. Paint with watered down glue.
6. Hang to dry.
7. Pop balloon and remove.
8. Paint with watered down glue.
9. Cover with glitter.
10. Let dry.
11. Hang.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Well winter has official arrived here in Maine. It has been cold for a while, but we got dumped on with snow the beginning of this week. Abby and Brandon even got a snow day. It was great having the whole family home cozy and warm inside with snow falling softly all around us. Of course the kids wanted to go play in it, so we got them all bundled up and Brandon took them out. After shoveling a ton of snow he played with them for a bit. Some snow balls were thrown, tunnels were built, angels were made, and last of all a great big snow man with pine branches for hair. To end the day I put on my boots and braved the 12 inches of snow. I was on a mission to find clean snow for our snow ice cream. I grew up eating it and have passed the tradition on to my kids. All you need is a bowl of snow scooped up from the top of the snow fall. Poor in a bunch of canned milk, sugar, and vanilla (or any other flavor you might like) to taste and there you have it!

Audrey making a snow angel.
Help me up Daddy
Watch out Abby, Daddy is going to get you!
Just a little tunnel.
Yeah snow to eat!!!
Starting the snow man.
Come on Anna help us.
Working hard.
Frosty the snow man was a jolly happy soul. With hair of pine and a stick for a nose and two eyes made out of stone.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Here Comes Santa Clause

We heard a rumor that Santa Clause was going to be flying in on a Helicopter to visit all the Coast Guard Men’s little children. It seams he flies in once a year out by the Owls Head Light House. He brings bags full of toys for all of the children waiting. After taking his seat in a big red velvet chair he begins to call out their names. One by one they shyly walk towards him. Sit upon his lap and get the toy just for them, with their name on it and everything…

When we arrived at the parking lot to wait for the helicopter there were cups of hot cocoa and donuts to be eaten. The kids were in heaven already!!!!

Then we heard it… The faint rumble of a helicopter arriving!! Listen Anna do you hear it?

There it is!!! Here comes Santa Clause!!!

Audrey’s face was a mess from donuts, I had to get it clean for photos!! :)

When the helicopter was landing the children all had to turn around. I guess it has been known to make a few pebbles fly!!

Little Miss Anna was the first name to be called. I brought her up there and she didn’t cry, although she looked very nervous for a bit. Santa gave her a very cute Zebra purse, which she now wants to sleep with every night. (Along with her pink blanket, her back up yellow blanket, her duck, and her bunny. She must be the youngest.)

Next in our family to be called was Abby. She didn’t sit on his lap, not sure why… (Hopefully she doesn’t think she is too old for that. After all she is six!!!) I am thinking she was just a bit nervous. She got a very cool puppy dog stuffed animal. When you unzip his mouth he reveals a very big red tongue and also a photo album. It is full of pictures Brandon printed out from our computer of Santa visiting. It is nestled in between her two pillows as I type this.

Last but not least to be called of our three little ones was Audrey. She was very brave and sat on Santa’s lap. In this picture you can see that she even started a little smile. Santa gave her a little monkey purse. Which she slept with for the first few nights as well.

Static attack. This is just in here because it was too funny not to show to everyone.

Group photo!! Notice Anna being held by Santa. I snuck in there and asked (I swear!!) if he would hold her for the photo. Look at all the kids!!