Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Keeping myself busy...

I have been busy lately making Christmas decorations.

I wanted some of the Christmas tree cones I have been seeing in all the stores, but didn’t feel like paying for them. So I bought (I know funny) some glitter, silver paint, and some poster board. After many burns from hot glue and tons of glitter everywhere they were done. Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle…

I was watching Martha Stewart (I know also funny) and she had this great idea of making snow ball like ornaments. This was a lot of work, but I like how they turned out. Here is how they were done;
1. Blow up balloon.
2. Tie on string.
3. Wipe with oil.
4. Wrap string around and around.
5. Paint with watered down glue.
6. Hang to dry.
7. Pop balloon and remove.
8. Paint with watered down glue.
9. Cover with glitter.
10. Let dry.
11. Hang.


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