Mary's Life

Monday, March 26, 2007

Misc. pictures

So it's been a while since I have posted any pics on here, so here are some misc. ones I picked out of our March folder. Enjoy...

The Bug

We have had an interesting couple of weeks. There has been a bug traveling around this house. It has claimed three people so far.
The first victim was Audrey. We awoke to the sounds of puking in the middle of the night. They lasted until the morning. After a few days of recovery and a couple more occurrences of puking we were convinced we were free and clear of anyone else getting it.
Then the sounds awoke us again… This time it was Abby. There was another long night and a few days of recovery. Again we let our guard down thinking Anna, Brandon, and I had escaped it.
But yet again we awoke to the sounds. It was little Anna. From 2:30 in the morning until 9 am she was puking. Brandon slept with her on a make shift bed in our room on the floor waking up each time she started (I know he is a GREAT Dad). The night seemed endless, but we survived yet again. So after loads and loads of dirty blankets, PJs, and pillows I think we are free and clear.
Or so I thought… Abby just called from the play room “Anna has to throw up” I ran for the bowl. Anna came out not looking to sick. Abby said that Anna actually told her she had to throw up. So I gave Anna the bowl. She headed off to the living room and I asked her where she was going. And she said “Cartoons”
What a sneaky little girl I have. She wasn’t feeling sick at all, she just wanted to watch TV and she knew that when she was sick I let her watch it. I didn’t fall for it. It was a good way to get a good laugh at the end of this attack by the stomach bug.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well I finally did it!!!! I went in and got a tattoo!!! I have only been trying to work up the nerve for years!!!! The flowers are Forget me nots which is the state flower of Alaska (alaskan pride baby!!) and I had them put three so there would be one for each of the girls. So far I love it, but I have only had it for a couple of hours, so we will see how I feel tomorrow :)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Day

I knew it was coming, but when I woke up this morning too snow falling from the sky, it still surprised me. Deep down I was hoping that we had finally escaped the clutches of winter, and spring was on the way. No such luck!

We must have gotten around a foot of snow here today. I know that isn’t much to people who live in New York State or anything, but I haven’t seen snow like this in a while.

I was telling Brandon, that snow was a lot easier to deal with in Port Alexander. All we had to do there was make sure our skiffs were not going to sink from the weight. Oh and of course shovel our very long board walk, ugh… Of course I was just a kid then and it seems that childhood memories always have a bit of frosting too them. I do wish that I didn’t have to worry about driving on the roads around here. Nothing like being stuck in your house for days on end! Brandon had to drive home from work today going just 25 mph and that’s in a 55 mph zone.

The pictures I have posted on here are of the plow’s second trip down our drive way. As you can see the mountain of snow that they piled up was about as high as the cab of their truck!!
The kids would have had a blast playing in it tomorrow, except for the fact that it is now raining and by tomorrow will be a horrible mess. Oh and did I mention that it is supposed to drop down below zero on Monday, and all the way down to 18 on Tuesday? That will make a wonderful FROZEN mess of all the melting snow.

I also took some pictures of Brandon getting some exercise. We both probably shoveled about three times each today. Fun stuff…