Monday, November 27, 2006


I have decided I want to start getting the kids outside more often. Today I took them out front to play in the yard. I was pushing Anna and Audrey on the swings and watching Abby play with the many branches that have fallen from the trees this fall. She picked up a pretty big one and I looked around and saw quiet a few more of them. I then got an idea, let's build a teepee!!!
We started off by tying four big sticks together and then we all went into the woods a bit and drug out lots and lots of sticks. The girls and I leaned them on the first ones and tied as we went. Even little Anna put on a few, although they were pretty small.
After all the hard work the girls took a break for a second to check out a plane flying by.
It was then time to try out our new teepee. Climb in girls, but watch your head!!
Play time!!! Abby ran around the teepee, Audrey wanted to swing in our baby swing and Anna took off towards the house (I sent Abby to go get her).


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