Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A new park discovered

Brandon’s brother Erick came to visit us in June. On one of our outings we went to a park in Camden. I had no idea how wonderful it was. We parked our car along the street and walked down the grassy hill. The view was beautiful…

We wondered along the waters edge and at the end of the trail we saw a waterfall. They actually built the town of Camden over the river. At the top of the falls you can see restaurant decks built right over the water. What a great place to eat!!!

After blowing the seeds off of a few million dandilions we headed back up the hill.

This is Camden Harbor. I would love to take a sail on one of those boats.
Uncle Erick

The girls picking more flowers.


Blogger Sarah said...

I bet you use truckloads of conditioner for those curly heads!! :) Your girls are soo cute.

1:53 PM  

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